Student Activities & Events
Providing Opportunities for Social Interaction
Social Skills instruction at CABI is both a planned and incidental teaching event. Specific scheduled activities and events take place under the supervision of a BCBA with consultation from a Speech and Language Pathologist. These activities and events give students an optimal environment to develop the skills necessary to help increase social interactions and independence.
Student Government
We believe in the importance and positive impact that a student government has on morale, enthusiasm, and socialization within the school. Our student government promotes communication, leadership, long-term planning, and the development and maintenance of core principles/values. All students are encouraged to take part in this valuable program.
Social Events
School based social events allow us to strengthen our students’ coping mechanisms and social interaction skills, all while helping to prepare them for less structured events outside of school. These events and programs prepare students to react well to new people/situations and to help fortify their coping skills to thrive in previously difficult scenarios.
CABI In The Community
The best way for our students to get a full education is by expanding their learning beyond the confines of a classroom with community involvement and planned events. These structured events ensure a safe, impactful way for students to interact with their peers, neighbors, and community leaders, thus strengthening their social and emotional skills.
Translation Services: CABI makes translation services available for languages other than English to all students, clients, and/or families upon request. Services may be provided by in-house providers or through a third party organization.