New Playground Installation Complete
CABI Completes Installation of New Outdoor Playground CABI is excited to announce that we have recently completed the installation of our new outdoor playground. Our ribbon cutting ceremony took place on December 1st and the playground is now available to all of our students. Executive Director Brian Doyle has stated that this new space "enables the children to walk into the playground just like a typical school, which [...]
CABI Attends State Student Advisory Council At Hudson High School
CABI Student Government Attends State Student Advisory Council The CABI Student Government attended the SSAC - State Student Advisory Council Central Mass Region on Tuesday, February 4th at Hudson High School. What is the State Student Advisory Council / Regional Student Advisory Council? The SSAC/RSAC is a group of students elected by their peers from schools throughout Massachusetts who are helping make decisions about state [...]
CABI Sponsors BABAT Conference At DCU Center
CABI Sponsors BABAT Conference At DCU Center CABI attended the 40th Annual Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy (BABAT) Conference as a Platinum Sponsor. The event took place at the DCU Center in Worcester, MA to account for rising attendance levels, and the event was open to teachers and students, business professionals, and anyone interested in behavioral analysis. CABI's booth is pictured along [...]